11 July 2023
The Water Machine, a thirst-quenching comeback!
The water is immediately ready and you choose the taste.
Tired of running out of water at home? Does going to the supermarket just to buy water make you nervous? Not to mention the effort of climbing the stairs with the heavy cases of water.
The Beghelli Water Machine solves all this in just 19 centimetres of your kitchen, allowing you to always have perfectly filtered still or sparkling water.
The water in your home immediately becomes the way you want it. Cheers!
Designed with a four-position bypass system, it regulates the filtration level of heavy metals and chlorinated organic solvents, eliminating chlorine taste.
This way you can have light or mineral-rich water by choosing the best hardness according to the occasion. Give more taste to your herbal tea by choosing tastier water, or choose lightness during meals to better enhance the flavours of your dishes. For those who love sparkling water there is no compromise, simply press the button and decide your preferred level of fizz.
Taste and health in one machine
We have designed The Water Machine not only to satisfy your palate but also to protect your health by combining the chemical quality of filtration with the microbiological quality of water.
The latest generation multi-stage filter is gamma-sterilised and uses silverised activated carbon in combination with ion exchange resins to combat bacterial proliferation, leaving the pH of the water unaffected.
The water passes through a special food-grade steel tube with a UV-C bactericidal lamp inside that drastically breaks down bacteria and viruses.
The bactericidal lamp is designed to last for years and the filter must be replaced after six months or 500 litres of purified water.
The bactericidal lamp is designed to last for years and the filter must be replaced after six months or 500 litres of purified water.
The innovative self-diagnosis system on La Macchina dell'Acqua uses LED lights to warn you when the filter needs to be replaced or the water has been standing in the machine for more than 48 hours.
Take up more space and reduce plastic
With The Water Machine, no waiting, no risk of running out of water, it is ready to serve immediately. It purifies up to 920 cc in less than a minute, so you no longer have to stock up on water, and your larder is more organised and spacious.
In addition, you will reduce the use of plastic bottles and thus make your contribution to reducing environmental pollution.
What are you waiting for? Live lighter and save time and effort!