20 January 2022

SanificaAria is the fifth ally against COVID-19

The World Health Organization indicates air ventilation as a further and effective tool for living in public and private spaces safely

Winter is still long and we spend a lot of time indoors, fertile ground for the spread of viruses and variants of COVID-19 such as Omicron. Vaccines, distancing, masks and good hygiene practices are important, but air ventilation and sanitization should not be underestimated.

In a new phase of rising infections, the World Health Organization has indicated that air exchange is the fifth ally in combating the spread of the virus and fundamental for reducing the concentration of infected aerosols.

Our research has been focused on this for more than a year, which has led to the design and creation of SanificaAria, the device that eliminates over 99% of viruses and bacteria present in the environment, with an effectiveness tested in laboratories of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. An investigation carried out in collaboration with the “Mario Veronesi” Tecnopolo - TPM of Mirandola verified the validity of the device with the specific viral strain responsible for the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: the results are very positive, the reduction in the viral load corresponds at 99.6%.

To date, over 80,000 SanificaAria have been installed worldwide. In Italy it has been adopted in some of the highest state institutions, in numerous clinics, airports, offices, restaurants, nurseries and schools.

For the distribution of SanificaAria in schools we have signed an agreement with the Spaggiari Parma Group, the objective is to guarantee safety and protection to all the protagonists of the school world.
Especially at school, healthiness and air exchange are fundamental

The Omicron variant spreads via aerosol, light droplets capable of remaining suspended in the environment for a long time. For heavily used environments such as schools, SanificaAria is therefore an excellent solution: the air is sanitized continuously and safely while students follow lessons. The UV-C source, in addition to acting on the SARS-CoV-2 viral strain, also eliminates other types of bacteria and viruses, making SanificaAria a useful investment even outside of the current pandemic.

Finally, the Italian Quality Mark Institute (IMQ) tested the emission of UV-C radiation and found no dangerous emissions. Our technology confines the ultraviolet rays used for sanitization inside the device. Maintenance of SanificaAria is economical and safe, the wall mounting allows you to optimize spaces and its installation is simple and suitable for school environments, offices and meeting places.

The Ministry of Education has made funds available for the purchase of protective devices and tools to increase safety in institutes, among these there are our air sanitizers as they are designed to be an additional help to combat the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
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