21 April 2021
SanificaAria 30 Beghelli included in the list of authorized devices by HK authorities
The Hong Kong authorities define the rules for the use of air sanitization systems for the safe operation of catering establishments - Beghelli SanificaAria appliances are included in the appropriate lists of authorized appliances.
The Hong Kong authorities define the rules for the use of air sanitization systems for the safe operation of catering establishments - Beghelli SanificaAria appliances are included in the appropriate lists of authorized appliances.
The Secretary for Food and Health of Hong Kong has defined the requirements and technological solutions relating to the exchange and sanitization of the air to be implemented by the indoor catering services, to comply with the measures to prevent and combat the spread of COVID (Prevention and Control of Disease - Requirement and Directions - Business and Premises - Regulation Cap. 599F).
In order to meet the regulatory requirements regarding air exchange or sanitization in the premises, operators are required by 30 April 2021 to notify the authority that the air exchange in the catering area has reached a value equal to 6 times the volume or that, alternatively, authorized air purifiers have been installed, providing suitable technical documentation (
SanificaAria 30 Beghelli and other devices of the range have been included in the official list of authorized devices for air sanitization with UV-C technology
The Beghelli SanificaAria 30 product and other appliances of the range, manufactured and tested according to the standards established by the Authority, have been included in the official list of authorized devices for air sanitization with UV-C technology. The choice made by local authorities represents an important step in the fight against Covid 19, as it provides operational tools that make it possible to overcome the difficulty in favoring the exchange of air in indoor environments or the possible technical impossibility of acting on the functioning or on the structure of air conditioning systems.
In the photo: Beghelli devices are being installed in a Hong Kong restaurant